
Returning patents by post

Due to the many formalities, a considerable amount of time lapses between filing a patent application at the patent granting authority and the ultimate granting of the patent. Moreover, the authority could apply longer waiting times due to their workload. The green light however could, unexpectedly, also be given quickly.

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Approved patent immediately returned

Due to the long waiting times, a considerable amount of time generally lapses between filing a patent application and the ultimate granting of the patent. The green light however could, unexpectedly, also be given quickly.

That is what happened to patent attorney Peter de Lange when he filed a patent application for a chemical installation for his client at the Australian patent office. In the previous international (PCT) stage, the European Patent Office had already given the same application a favourable assessment. Because that previous assessment could be used to accelerate the subsequent assessment in Australia, De Lange advised his client to opt for the ‘Patent Prosecution Highway’, an accelerated procedure that still normally takes a few months. He had a big surprise when one day after submitting the accelerated procedure he received a message that the patent would be granted. The client was happy with that. The strategy to make optimal use of the global ‘Patent Prosecution Highway’ system proved extremely successful.